How The treatment Works
Get a NonSurgical Facelift to look years younger!
Our non-surgical facelift treatment in the Boston area offers fast visible results with the most effective, minimally invasive solution for facial aging!
You’ve come to the right place!
Utilizing two radiofrequency energy devices, we can now reshape, contour, tighten, lift and permanently eliminate areas of fat on your face and neck while simultaneously tightening your skin.
Any Facial Area can be corrected:

As we get older, our bodies produce less collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
That is why sagging skin happens.
The decrease and severity of your skins condition varies with each person based on sun exposure, smoking, poor diet, age, illness, weight fluctuation and hormonal shifts.
Luckily, we have several non-surgical alternatives that can reverse the damage caused by these factors!
What about the Results? They’re great. And the results are natural looking.
You’ll simply see a younger, more youthful looking you.
And, best of all, with this minimally invasive procedure, you can see immediate improvement right after your session- and they will continue to improve over 90+ days.
As the first provider of AgnesRF and ScarletRF in the Boston area, Cosmetic Laser Solutions has the most experience with these RF Microneedling devices.
To combat the signs of aging, we developed 3 BeautifyMD Facial Rejuvenation Levels to restore your natural beauty.
Non-Surgical Facelift for Focused Facial Sculpting – BeautifyMD Level 1
Tell us what is your problem area is?
Our BeautifyMD Level 1 is an ideal solution for treating a focused area of your face you’d like to correct, such as jowls, double chin, etc.
Using micro-insulted needles, we are able to precisely deliver radiofrequency energy to target specific facial areas in order to reduce unwanted fat and tighten skin.
Before & After Photo: AgnesRF Jawline Lift – 1 Session

Quick results and no surgery! Other treatable areas include:
- Jowls
- Jawline lift
- Eye Wrinkles
- Nasal folds
- Lower Face
This will also re-build new collagen and tighten skin.
Areas where you normally have Botox or a Filler such as crow’s feet, or in between your eyebrows or forehead can also be tightened.
As you age, most people begin to notice wrinkles and facial aging in the under eye area.
Then, sagging jowls, jawline laxity, under-chin fat, eye bags, sun damage and more begin to become more prominent.
With our AgnesRF Facial Rejuvenation treatment we can achieve near plastic surgery result.
This is an excellent Facelift Alternative option.
Full Face Rejuvenation: 2 Devices: Focused Contouring and Full Face Skin Tightening – BeautifyMD Level II
BeautifyMD Level II program involves 2 devices:
- AgnesRF for Non-Surgical Facial Sculpting
- ScarletRF or Morpheus8 RF Microneedling for Skin Tightening.

We begin with Agnes RF focused sculpting to re-define and/or tightening an area.
This is followed by RF Microneedling on the same day for deep skin collagen building and tightening.
This combination treatment approach addresses restoring skin health to your full face – not just a particular area. Achieve natural looking results in the shortest amount of time.
Restore definition and maximize tightening from the deep collagen layers to the surface layers of the skin.
If you want look as young as you can, we will develop an individual customized, comprehensive treatment plan where we can address many areas on the same day, or schedule them over a period of time.
RF Microneedling, IPL, PRP, Exosomes or a Liquid Facelift can contribute to your overall appearance.
In addition, we also offer a variety of other services for Face Rejuvenation solutions.
Many skin concerns for skin texture, sun damage, and overactive oil glands can be added to the treatment plan.
Most requested areas include a jawline lift, sagging jowls, eye wrinkles, nasal fold reduction and a brow lift.
During your consultation, we will determine which device or devices would maximize your results.
Pricing is customized per treatment plan as no two treatment plans are alike.
Call us to learn more about AgnesRF and what individual areas can be treated, learn more here: AgnesRF
Full Face Rejuvenation + Tone Correction: 3 devices- BeautifyMD Level III
BeautifyMD Level III has 3 devices
Total Face Rejuvenation for all aspects of correction: Sculpting, Tightening, Sundamage Brightening
- AgnesRF – Contour & Lift, Remove Fat, Sharpen Features
- ScarletRF or Morpheus8 – Deep layer Skin Tightening
- IPL Photofacial – Evens Skin Tone from Sundamage or Redness

This before and after photo was taken 3 weeks post treatment and included 3 devices.
We achieved a tighter jawline, crows feet, upper eye wrinkles and corrected some sun damage.
Love it!
Are you ready to look your best? Schedule a Consultation for your Non-Surgical Facelift
Request An Appointment
How does AgnesRF work?:
For Fat Removal and Focused Sculpting, microneedles are placed into the skin at the appropriate depth level. Radio-frequency energy is then released.
An instant popping of the fat cell is triggered, followed by an instant skin contraction. See an example of how it works:
This Facial Sculpting technique redefines facial features by removing fat and tightening the skin with a minimal amount of downtime.
Most patients love that they can see a decrease in fat volume, as well as contraction of the skin almost immediately after a treatment.
Everyone wants to look younger. Youthful looking skin is defined by sharp features with tight, flawless skin.
If you are considering a liquid facelift, consider a BeautifyMD procedure before any fillers are placed.
This treatment restores definition and provides global tightening on your whole face vs spot treatments.
The end result will be a more natural looking youthfulness to your face.
Plus, you will also continue to see improvement over the next 60 days.
Can we make further improvements after a BeautifyMD plan?
Once we achieve your desired goal, an evaluation is done to determine if you need any neuro-modulator products, such as Botox into your facial muscles to block nerve impulses.
Freezing the muscle prevents fine lines and wrinkles from forming.
Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane can be used to reduce depressions or add volume.
Polylactic Acid such as Sculptra is often used in hollow areas or deep lines. Sculptra stimulates your own body’s collagen production, so results appear gradually over several months.
Agnes RF is safe for all skin types. These non-surgical treatments can be performed any time of year as there is minimal risk, even with sun exposure.
Is Collagen Stimulation important? YES!!
RF Microneedling with Scarlet RF or Morpheus8 rebuilds Collagen & Elastin

Microneedling radiofrequency is a cluster of fine micro-needle electrodes that deliver bipolar RF technology under the surface of the skin.
This coagulates the tissues of the dermis responsible for collagen production.
At 40 years of age, you have lost 50% of your collagen production capacity.
Skin tightening treatments can help lift and tone the neck, chin, eyebrows, and chest by stimulating your collagen production.
With new technology, we can rebuild the deep collagen foundation of your skin.
RF Microneedling with ScarletRF or Morpheus8 provides full face global skin tightening from the lower layers of your skin to the top layers.
To maximize the tightening effect it is best to perform ScarletRF or Morpheus8 radio frequency microneedling immediately after an AgnesRF face lift treatment.
This is what ultimately tightens and smooths the texture of your skin for a more youthful appearance.
Your skin will continue to tighten and plump over a 90-day period following treatment.
Learn more about RF Microneedling for Collagen and Skin Tightening
Not everyone is ready for a facelift. In a plastic surgery procedure, an incision is made and loose skin is physically removed while the underlying facial tissue is tightened and redistributed.
This may leave visible scars and generally require a longer recovery time than nonsurgical cosmetic treatments.
Men and women who want facial rejuvenation no longer need to go under the knife to restore some youthfulness to their facial features.
We specialize in minimally invasive, state-of-the-art laser treatments for facial anti-aging.
This highly individualized rejuvenation plan is ideal for when you desire to reshape, remove fat, tighten your skin and restore an even complexion.
Its almost like a Total Face Makeover!
This is an advanced nonsurgical correction treatment that can reverse the signs of aging and turn back the clock.
Each individual patient will receive results that lead to a more natural, younger-looking appearance.
We suggest having a consultation with a plastic surgeon and then one with us. This restoration treatment goes beyond a face lift as it restores skin health by building new collagen in all layers of your skin.
What is a non-surgical facelift?
A nonsurgical facelift is a combination of minimally invasive, nonsurgical procedures designed to rejuvenate and refresh your appearance without incisions. Excellent near surgical results can be achieved.
Is AgnesRF Permanent?
Yes. Hard-to-treat fat cells are permanently destroyed. Selective sebaceous glands can also be eliminated thus reducing active acne issues.
Related Services:
- Fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing for fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage
- Focused Facial Contouring: Agnes RF microneedling can reshape, remove fat and tighten skin simultaneously.
- IPL Photofacial is ideal for sun damage, facial veins and rosacea.
Top Non-Surgical Procedures for Your Face

Areas of Concern:
- Double Chin Fat
- Eyes: Under eye wrinkles, droopy lids, Crows feet
- Eye bags, Festoons
- Brow-lift
- Jawline Definition, Sculpting
- Jawline Lift
- Jowl Sagging: Lift & Tighten
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Neck lift/tightening.
A Non-Surgical Facelift with AgnesRF Tightens, Smooths, and Sculpts Your Face
Under-Eye Wrinkles | Crows Feet
Eye Wrinkle Treatments
For under eye wrinkles, we love the Agnes RF Eye Treatment. There is minimal discomfort and minimal downtime.
Radiofrequency energy tightens fine lines and builds collagen. The number of treatments will vary depending on what stage of wrinkles you have.
Although we can tighten the skin in the crows feet area with AgnesRF, Botox is often an adjunct treatment with the AgnesRF Eye Wrinkle treatment.
AgnesRF smooths your fine lines and wrinkles, while Botox freezes your muscle so that when you smile deep wrinkles are not formed.
Droopy Upper Eyelid Tightening
Many patients have upper eyelid laxity. Utilizing the Agnes RF laser, this treatment tightens the droopy upper eye area.
Under-eye crepey skin can be tightened and smoothed with AgnesRF. For patients who do not want plastic surgery, this procedure is an excellent alternative to a surgical upper or lower eye blepharoplasty procedure.
Remove Eye Bags with AgnesRF Treatment
Get rid of under-eye fat bags – without surgery! Eye bags can make you look older than you really are.
Often this is a hereditary condition. AgnesRF is a minimally invasive treatment for reducing eye bags and tightening your under eye skin.
Chin Fat Removal
The AgnesRF device is an excellent tool for getting rid of under chin fat.
It is a fabulous alternative to Kybella and Coolsculpting’s CoolMini.
Fat cells are destroyed with a focused radiofrequency tip that is placed into the skin. This causes permanent, instant fat cell destruction.
Patients love the added benefit of tightening the skin at the same time as removing fat.
Learn more about Double Chin Fat Removal.
Best Jawline & Jowl Treatment Near Me
Bring back a more chiseled jawline! Often time your jawline has lost definition due to weight gain or elastin loss.
This sagging appearance can be a thing of the past. In the past, this could only be remedied with a mini facelift.
Now with AgnesRF, we can redefine the area by removing fat and tightening the skin simultaneously.
This unique treatment gives us control to sculpt the area in a very precise manner.
For the best non-surgical jowl treatment see us for an AgnesRF treatment to tighten and lift your skin and jowl area. You’re going to love it.
Cheek Face Thinning | Buccal Fat | VShape | Nasal Fold Reduction | Festoons
Are your cheeks or nasal folds a little fuller than you like? With AgnesRF, we can remove a some fat from the area as well as give them a little lift!
If you’ve had dermal fillers for your Nasolabial folds in the past, this procedure reduces the line depth so a filler may not be needed.
Or if your cheeks are a little fuller than you like, we can de-bulk a fat pad area and give you that V-shape your looking for.
It’s possible to get rid of festoons without surgery too!
Neck Skin Tightening Boston
Many patients focus on treatments for their face but forget about how sagging skin appears on their neck. Platysmal bands can also be tightened with AgnesRF.
A non-invasive face and neck lift with RF microneedling is a great option.
RF Microneedling neck treatments can be performed on the same time as any face treatment.
Solutions for neck tightening include:
- ScarletRF or Morpheus8 microneedling,
- AgnesRF macroneedling,
- Exilis Ultra 360 Skin tightening utilizing ultrasound and RF technology
- CO2 laser resurfacing.
During your consultation, we would recommend what non-surgical device that woulds best to suit your unique needs.
Agnes RF vs Ultherapy
Although Ultherapy is a well-known procedure and can achieve good results, AgnesRF allows us more control in treating areas that require more definition or fat removal in combination with skin tightening.
Because the AgnesRF Jawline Lift treatment penetrates deeper into the skin than the Ultherapy device, an enhanced result is achieved. Ultherapy only addresses sagging skin.
Ultimately, the combination of AgnesRF Facial Sculpting combined with the global tightening of ScarletRF maximizes skin tightness to achieve outstanding results.
NonSurgical Facelift vs Surgical Facelift
Plastic surgery for a face lift achieves the most accurate results. However, there are many instances where medical conditions or a person’s personal preferences rule out having a surgical procedure.
Or, perhaps you’ve already had a facelift and need a little fine-tuning with a few non-surgical treatments.
AgnesRF, microneedling, or laser resurfacing are excellent options for boosting your appearance and staving off the effects of the aging process.
In this case, many people prefer results that are a gradual, more natural skin improvement appearance vs a drastic overnight result with surgery.
Our minimally invasive laser anti-aging procedures can provide a mini-facelift-like result with fewer side effects and less downtime.
Because non-invasive laser devices have made significant improvements in recent years they are an excellent facelift alternative with near surgical results.
These procedures can be done in as little as a few hours and with no anesthesia, sutures or incisions.
Tips for preventing wrinkles:
- Sunblock is your best prevention to aging skin.
- Use Ultra Hydrating Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and plump your skin.
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“AGNES RF is my go-to for precision volume reduction and tightening. Difficult areas to treat, such as peri-orbital fullness, jowl, jaw, chin and heavy nasolabial folds, can be contoured with a minimal procedure that is safe for all skin types. My most thrilled patients are those that have AGNES RF as part of their treatment- so awesome!”-Dr. JD McCoy, Contour Medical.
Schedule a Consultation
Contact us to schedule a free consultation to discuss whether a non-surgical facelift can help you get the natural-looking results you want.
Or text us at: 857-288-8257.
Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medical Spa provides patients non-surgical facelift solutions in the Boston Massachusetts area.
Our Medical Spa serves patients in the Boston area including communities such as:
Stoneham, Wilmington, North Reading, Andover, Burlington, Woburn, Lynnfield, and Winchester Massachusetts.
Contact us to learn more about non-surgical treatments.
Other Procedures to Stay Young Looking:
- Exosome Facial: Better than PRP!
- Thinning Hair? Ask about Hair Loss Restoration
Frequently Asked Questions
Pricing varies per person but typically runs $2500-$5000+
The most effective non surgical treatment addresses fat and/or tightening.
We can achieve excellent results with the BeautifyMD program that combines several devices in order to achieve maximum outcomes.
Typically a non-surgical solution can last several years. Post skincare boosters are recommended to continue collagen and elastin production as you continue to age.
The under-eye area is the first to show signs of aging. We use the Agnes RF device or Fractional CO2 to tighten the skin under the eye area.
Even the crows feel area can be tightened with AgnesRF so that less Botox is needed. Downtime is minimal.
Our skin rejuvenation treatment with AgnesRF and Scarlet can sculpt and tighten skin without surgery.
Fat under the chin area can be removed non-surgically with the AgnesRF or Morpheus8 device. We also use Kybella– an injectable solution to dissolve fat.
These options can remove fat and tighten the skin simultaneously.
A non-surgical facelift promotes overall skin laxity and collagen/elastin rebuilding. Fillers are focused on plumping a hollow area.
Correction procedures can start in your 40s, but many people start procedures in the 50-70 age range.
Every procedure, whether surgical or not, has risks involved. Non-surgical procedures continue to be less risky than incisions and anesthesia.
Our signature treatment combination of Agnes and Scarlet is unique to sculpting, tightening, and collagen-building without incisions.
A non-surgical facelift is a combination of treatments to lift and tighten without incisions or general anesthesia.
Yes! We offer non-surgical jowl contouring with AgnesRF. No incisions or sutures! Visible results immediately!