How The treatment Works
If you’re looking for a treatment that addresses several issues at once with minimal downtime, then eTwo Sublative Laser Resurfacing is your best option.
It is an all-in-one treatment to smooth out wrinkles, tighten skin, soften acne scarring, and even out sun damage discoloration of your skin.
This procedure typically requires 3-5 treatments, each about a month apart. Treatment time is between 30-45 min and makeup can be applied the following day.
How eTwo Sublative Laser Works
Sublative is a whole new category of skin rejuvenation from Syneron-Candela.
By placing fractionated bi-polar radio frequency (RF) directly into the dermis, eTwo Sublative stimulates the production of collagen, regenerating a more youthful complexion addressing some or all of these issues: wrinkles, loose skin, sun damage, enlarged pores, rough skin or acne scarring.
This fractional delivery of RF energy causes micro-epidermal ablative perforations to the surface of skin. These openings in your skin stimulate the healing process, which then transitions to a smoother, rejuvenated appearance of the treated area.
Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discoloration are reduced, and skin texture becomes more smooth and elastic.
Schedule a Consultation
To schedule a resurfacing appointment with our team of experts, fill out our online form or book an appointment online today!
Frequently Asked Questions
This laser offers full face treatments or focused areas on the face such as under-eye laxity, wrinkles around the mouth, forehead wrinkles or acne scarring on the cheeks.
Treatments are proven effective for all skin types.
You may notice tone and texture improvements fairly quickly as a result of increased levels of beneficial collagen and new healthy skin cells which are produced. With the treatment’s dermal impact, mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discolorations are reduced and continue to improve over a 90 day period.
Typically 3 to 5 treatments that are 4 to 6 weeks apart are recommended. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on the skin condition of the patient at the start of the treatment.
During treatment, many patients feel a warm, prickly sensation. After treatment a pink or “sunburn” appearance and feeling is common. Most often a topical anesthetic is used to reduce discomfort during treatment.
Which Laser Resurfacing Treatment is Right for Me?
Oftentimes, it depends on your lifestyle. Do you work and need a recovery-free treatment, or can you manage something that requires you stay home for 5-7 days of recovery time?
All lasers will offer some benefit for keeping your face looking young. Our goal is to work with you to determine which laser will give you the best result to correct your concerns with a procedure featuring the amount of recovery time appropriate for your lifestyle.
For a more aggressive treatment, see Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing.