Skincare Nutrition Laser Treatments

The Best Ways to Remove and Prevent Sun and Age Spots

When the sun finally shines, it’s normal to enjoy it as much as you can. Unfortunately, time spent in the sun can mean damage to your skin.

To get the most out of your skin for the long term and enjoy a youthful, radiant look, it’s important to protect your skin and prevent sun damage.

Here are some of the best ways to do so, as well as what to know about how our team at Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medical Spa can help.

Prevent Sun damage with Sunscreen

The #1 key component to sun damage is to prevent it. A sunburn is painful and takes a toll on your skin. The damage to the skin cells can prematurely age them, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles over time.

With severe exposure, it can even cause skin cancer. To prevent aging skin, a sunblock with Zinc and Titanium Oxide is our favorite.

This tinted sunscreen (SPF46) applied every 80 minutes will counter the damage, so make sure to wear it regularly – even in the dead of winter. Another excellent option for brighter, clearer skin is a  Vit-CE serum.

Additionally, if you can, enjoy your sunshine early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the majority of UV exposure. The sun’s rays are the worst around the hours of 11 am to 2 pm, so staying out of the sun during those hours can help reduce the opportunity to burn.

If you’re outside in the middle of the day, make sure to find shade. Wearing large hats or light long-sleeved shirts can also help with combating overexposure.

Exfoliate and Moisturize Rough Patches

Extensive damage to the skin can also lead to dry and rough patches. Make sure to exfoliate regularly to remove the damaged skin cells (either manually or chemically).

Keeping your skin hydrated is also important.  This moisturizer has several forms of hydraulic acid which will maximize plumpness and moisture in  your skin:  moisturizer.   And continue drinking plenty of water throughout the day. The more hydrated you are, the smoother your skin will remain, and the more healthy you will look.

Sun will make your skin wrinkly and brown spots will appear

Sundamage ages the skin faster so it will begin to show wrinkles sooner. Sun damage makes for wrinkly skin. Why? That’s because the underlying collagen and elastin matrix has been damaged. There are a few different treatment options to combat wrinkles, both before and after they appear.


Add beta-carotene to your diet, which can reduce sun-related wrinkles by making the skin more elastic. It’s found in red and orange foods like carrots and other colorful vegetables. While it will stop all signs of aging, it will help with keeping you looking younger.

Best Treatments for Sun damaged skin

IPL Laser treatments can help keep your complexion even.  For small brown spots a laser treatment can cause the skin to lightly scab. The scab falls off in 5-7 days, and then lighter brighter skin resurfaces.

Chemical and laser peels can lighten sundamage and also be part of your ongoing treatments to maintain an even complexion. Adding a an Exosome Booster treatment can also help with sun-damage and wrinkle prevention.

But the most important part of your skin care regiment is prevention  – again sunblock, sunblock, sunblock!

IPL Laser Treatment for Sun-damaged Skin

The IPL device uses short pulses of light to remove the sun-damaged top skin layers in order to restore new, fresh skin underneath. This method is great for individual sun spot treatments or as a full face treatment when you have an overall brown undertone. You may require more than one session to achieve your goal.

Laser Peel

The laser peel is a light skin resurfacing of the top layers of your skin. Over 3-4 days your top layers of skin peel off leaving new brighter skin.

Microneedling with a Lightening Agent

Microneedling with our advanced lightening cream is an excellent option with minimal to no downtime. Channels are created in the skin where the serum penetrates into the top layers of the skin. Melanine production is reduced and skin becomes lighter of a period of a few weeks. 2+ treatments is recommended based on the degree of sundamage.


Another method of exfoliation –microdermabrasion. It helps to remove dead skin cells while also prompting collagen growth. This serves dual purposes; by clearing your skin from what’s old and prompting the new to begin growing again, you can naturally rejuvenate your face.

What products can you use to help even your skin tone?


Retinoids, in the form of a cream or serum, can also boost collagen in the skin. Collagen is what helps your skin retain its elasticity, so it’s crucial to have some in order to keep your face smooth.

Retin-A is a must have in your anti-aging skin care line.

Lightening Creams

Hydroquinone based products used over several months helps lighten your skin as well as reduce melanine production in your skin cells.

Schedule a Consultation

At Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medspa our skincare team can help you create a customized plan to address sun damage, wrinkles, skin tightening and more to keep looking as young as you feel.

To get started, we invite you to schedule a consultation by calling or booking your free consultation appointment online.


What Can Help You Suppress Hunger & More!

The #1 Nutrient You Must Eat and the 7 Best Ways To Get It

What Can Help You Suppress Hunger & More! avocado-549x349-1

Let’s get right to the point. It’s Fiber.

For fast, lasting fat loss and lots more, dietary fiber reigns supreme.

Too bad we’re not getting nearly enough.

One study titled “Trends in dietary fiber intake in the United States, 1999-2008,” published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , found the average person gets about 15 grams of fiber a day, well below the 25-38 grams recommended adequate intake for adults.

Among its numerous benefits, fiber can help you lose weight. That’s because it helps slow down stomach emptying so you feel fuller longer.

Studies show fiber also suppresses your hunger hormone ghrelin and stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels. It fills you up faster for fewer calories.

Those are among the reasons I call fiber a magic bullet for fast, lasting fat loss. A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine supports my theory.

Researchers asked 240 participants to either eat fewer calories and follow the American Heart Association’s diet or simply get more dietary fiber.

One year later, the fiber folks lost an average of 4.6 pounds , whereas the reduced-calorie group lost an average of six pounds. Impressive, considering the fiber group made no other dietary modifications.

To get fast, lasting fat loss and fiber’s other benefits, I want you to get 50 grams of fiber daily. Yes, 50.

Please don’t do this all at once. Gradually increase your intake five grams a week until you’ve met that quota. I’ve got seven easy ways to easily increase fiber intake:

  1. Non-starchy veggies. Leafy and cruciferous greens are nutrient and fiber powerhouses. Whether steamed, sautéed, or raw in salads, veggies definitely fall into the “more is better” category.
  2. Berries . Every one of these low-sugar impact fruits are high in fiber, but raspberries reign supreme with eight grams of fiber per cup.
  3. Avocado. Along with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and hard-to-get fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins K and E, one cup of avocado provides an impressive 10 grams – that’s 40 percent – of your day’s fiber intake. Plus it makes everything so much more delicious.
  4. Slow roasted or dehydrated almonds. Loaded with protein, healthy fats, and hard-to-get nutrients like magnesium, a quarter-cup of slow-roasted or dehydrated almonds provides three grams of fiber. Almond butter provides those same benefits. Smear a little bit on some celery for a decadent fiber wallop!
  5. Lentils. Most legumes are fiber-packed, but I especially love lentils because they’re so darn versatile and delicious. In his book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth , Dr. Jonny Bowden notes one cup of lentils packs a whopping 16 grams, which officially makes them a fiber heavyweight.
  6. Freshly ground flaxseeds. Besides being an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), flaxseed is rich in anti-cancer lignans, and two tablespoons provides almost four grams of fiber.
  7. Extra Fiber. Even the most well intended, health-minded folks occasionally struggle to meet their 50-gram daily fiber quota. That’s why I never travel without Extra Fiber , a top-of-the-line powder that combines 12 different types of fiber to mimic what you get in high-fiber whole foods. Every serving contains an impressive four grams of fiber and mixes well into shakes, water, or any preferred beverage.

A protein shake becomes my favorite way to increase fiber intake, which provides you steady, sustained energy all morning. Adding avocado, frozen raspberries, raw kale (you won’t taste it), and freshly ground flaxseed or Extra Fiber to my Paleo – or plant-based protein powder provides about 15 – 20 grams of fiber. Do one of these once or twice daily and you’ve almost hit your 50-gram quota.

OK everybody. Let’s head out to the supermarket.


Easy Oatmeal No Bake Snack

These delicious little no bake energy bites are the perfect healthy snack!







  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats)
  • 2/3 cup toasted coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seeds
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips (or vegan chocolate chips )
  • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Cover and let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour.*
  2. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1″ in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
  3. Makes about 20-25 balls.

*Prep time listed does not include time for the mixture to chill. To speed up the chilling, I recommend spreading the mixture out on a baking sheet, then covering it with plastic wrap and refrigerating.

**We do not currently offer nutrition facts on this site, but if you would like an estimate, I recommend using My Fitness Pal.

***If making these gluten-free, be sure to use certified gluten-free ingredients.