It can be an embarrassing condition to talk about – but nail fungus is more common than you think, and solutions are more accessible than ever. There’s no solution for nail fungus more efficient, safe, or effective than laser treatment, and no more specialized laser provider than Cosmetic Laser Solutions. Feel confident again and leave your nail fungus behind!


Oral medicines to treat toenail fungus have potential risks and side effects to the liver which a laser treatment does not.


Laser toenail fungus treatments target the pathogens that cause toenail fungus. (onychomycosis, tinea unguium).

Safe, effective, and with minimal discomfort, clinical studies have shown an 85% effective rate in this treatment compared to prescription topical treatments which only has an 8% effective rate.

Laser toenail and fingernail fungus treatments are the fastest, most effective way of treating nail fungus without pain or discomfort.

At Cosmetic Laser Solutions, we use the state-of-the-art Candela GentleYAG® laser and the FormaTK laser to treat nail fungus. After laser nail fungus removal, it may take time for your old discolored nail to grow out and a new nail to begin forming.

What does nail fungus look like?

One or more of the following symptoms can be observed:

  • Thickened or brittle nail
  • Scaling under the nails
  • White or yellow streaks on the nail
  • Flaking white areas on the nail’s surface
  • Appearance of yellow spots at the bottom of the nail
  • Distorted nail

Common Causes of Nail Fungus

There are a few factors that may cause nail fungus. Any warm, damp place (the gym and showers in the gym) can be a breeding ground for fungi. Fungal infections in the nails are typically caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes, but yeasts and molds can also cause toenail fungus. Other common things that can cause toenail fungus include:

  • Trauma or injury to the nail
  • Humidity and/or heat
  • Diabetes
  • Athlete’s foot

It is important to recognize that even after treatment, these factors can cause fungus to grow back. Be sure to try and limit exposure to any areas that have a moisture factor as much as possible in order to avoid a reoccurance.

Schedule a Consultation

Nail fungus is not very pretty so it can make open toe shoes a real challenge in the summer. Don’t suffer in silence.

Come in to Cosmetic Laser Solutions today to keep your toes fungus-free! Simply fill out our online form or book an appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Nail Fungus Removal

Does the laser treatment hurt?
There may be some discomfort from the laser treatment, but it usually resolves as soon as the treatment is over.

How does the laser treatment work?
The laser heats the infected tissue which creates an environment where the fungus cannot survive.

How many treatments will I need?
We recommend a 4 treatment protocol spaced approximately 1-2 weeks apart. There are no restrictions post treatment. Patients may resume normal activities.

How should I prepare for my treatment?
Upon scheduling an appointment, pre-treatment instructions will be provided and require at least 2 weeks of pre-treatment care.

When will I see results?
A healthy new nail forms 3 to 6 months after your laser treatment. Even though the fungus should have died from the laser treatment, it takes toenails 9-12 months to grow. Once the nail growth cycle is complete, a new, healthy nail should replace the infected nail.

Is nail fungus contagious?
Yes, it can be. Most often, it happens where the air is moist and people’s feet are bare such as showers and bathrooms (often in fitness centers). It can even be passed from a nail file. Nail fungus can also spread from one of your nails to another, which is why all 10 nails are treated during each appointment.

What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus?
The fastest way to eliminate the infection is through toenail laser treatment. Laser nail therapy specifically targets the microorganisms under your nail while leaving the keratin (It protects nails from damage by making them strong and resilient) intact.