Skincare Nutrition Laser Treatments

The Best Ways to Remove and Prevent Sun and Age Spots

When the sun finally shines, it’s normal to enjoy it as much as you can. Unfortunately, time spent in the sun can mean damage to your skin.

To get the most out of your skin for the long term and enjoy a youthful, radiant look, it’s important to protect your skin and prevent sun damage.

Here are some of the best ways to do so, as well as what to know about how our team at Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medical Spa can help.

Prevent Sun damage with Sunscreen

The #1 key component to sun damage is to prevent it. A sunburn is painful and takes a toll on your skin. The damage to the skin cells can prematurely age them, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles over time.

With severe exposure, it can even cause skin cancer. To prevent aging skin, a sunblock with Zinc and Titanium Oxide is our favorite.

This tinted sunscreen (SPF46) applied every 80 minutes will counter the damage, so make sure to wear it regularly – even in the dead of winter. Another excellent option for brighter, clearer skin is a  Vit-CE serum.

Additionally, if you can, enjoy your sunshine early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the majority of UV exposure. The sun’s rays are the worst around the hours of 11 am to 2 pm, so staying out of the sun during those hours can help reduce the opportunity to burn.

If you’re outside in the middle of the day, make sure to find shade. Wearing large hats or light long-sleeved shirts can also help with combating overexposure.

Exfoliate and Moisturize Rough Patches

Extensive damage to the skin can also lead to dry and rough patches. Make sure to exfoliate regularly to remove the damaged skin cells (either manually or chemically).

Keeping your skin hydrated is also important.  This moisturizer has several forms of hydraulic acid which will maximize plumpness and moisture in  your skin:  moisturizer.   And continue drinking plenty of water throughout the day. The more hydrated you are, the smoother your skin will remain, and the more healthy you will look.

Sun will make your skin wrinkly and brown spots will appear

Sundamage ages the skin faster so it will begin to show wrinkles sooner. Sun damage makes for wrinkly skin. Why? That’s because the underlying collagen and elastin matrix has been damaged. There are a few different treatment options to combat wrinkles, both before and after they appear.


Add beta-carotene to your diet, which can reduce sun-related wrinkles by making the skin more elastic. It’s found in red and orange foods like carrots and other colorful vegetables. While it will stop all signs of aging, it will help with keeping you looking younger.

Best Treatments for Sun damaged skin

IPL Laser treatments can help keep your complexion even.  For small brown spots a laser treatment can cause the skin to lightly scab. The scab falls off in 5-7 days, and then lighter brighter skin resurfaces.

Chemical and laser peels can lighten sundamage and also be part of your ongoing treatments to maintain an even complexion. Adding a an Exosome Booster treatment can also help with sun-damage and wrinkle prevention.

But the most important part of your skin care regiment is prevention  – again sunblock, sunblock, sunblock!

IPL Laser Treatment for Sun-damaged Skin

The IPL device uses short pulses of light to remove the sun-damaged top skin layers in order to restore new, fresh skin underneath. This method is great for individual sun spot treatments or as a full face treatment when you have an overall brown undertone. You may require more than one session to achieve your goal.

Laser Peel

The laser peel is a light skin resurfacing of the top layers of your skin. Over 3-4 days your top layers of skin peel off leaving new brighter skin.

Microneedling with a Lightening Agent

Microneedling with our advanced lightening cream is an excellent option with minimal to no downtime. Channels are created in the skin where the serum penetrates into the top layers of the skin. Melanine production is reduced and skin becomes lighter of a period of a few weeks. 2+ treatments is recommended based on the degree of sundamage.


Another method of exfoliation –microdermabrasion. It helps to remove dead skin cells while also prompting collagen growth. This serves dual purposes; by clearing your skin from what’s old and prompting the new to begin growing again, you can naturally rejuvenate your face.

What products can you use to help even your skin tone?


Retinoids, in the form of a cream or serum, can also boost collagen in the skin. Collagen is what helps your skin retain its elasticity, so it’s crucial to have some in order to keep your face smooth.

Retin-A is a must have in your anti-aging skin care line.

Lightening Creams

Hydroquinone based products used over several months helps lighten your skin as well as reduce melanine production in your skin cells.

Schedule a Consultation

At Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medspa our skincare team can help you create a customized plan to address sun damage, wrinkles, skin tightening and more to keep looking as young as you feel.

To get started, we invite you to schedule a consultation by calling or booking your free consultation appointment online.

Body Contouring

Non-Surgical Options For Body Contouring

Body contouring with non-invasive laser technology can help people eliminate stubborn fat in areas that are the most difficult for you to loose weight in.

Most people assume that effective and significant results can only happen with surgery. This option can achieve excellent results, but the down side is it requires days or weeks of downtime and recovery as well as expense.

However, there are effective non-surgical body contouring procedures available to choose from. This eliminates downtime and other side effects, like scarring, while still providing great results.

It’s important to keep in mind that nonsurgical body contouring isn’t meant to serve as a weight loss solution.

Instead, you are considered a good candidate for a non-surgical body contouring procedure if you have already gotten close to your ideal weight and want to shed excess fat that you cannot eliminate through dieting and exercise alone.

In addition, you should also not have a body mass index, or BMI, of greater than 30.

Let’s take a look at what options are available for non-surgical fat reduction.

Non-Surgical Options For Body Contouring Exilis-AbdomenSmoothing
Non-Surgical Options For Body Contouring Exilis-AbdomenSmoothing


Cryolipolysis, more popularly known as CoolSculpting, is an FDA- approved body contouring procedure.

It’s a non-invasive treatment that aims to eliminate fat by using cold temperatures to freeze fat cells and kill them off permanently. It’s safe and effective and doesn’t damage other tissues around the target area.

After fat cells are frozen, they are naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system.

The procedure can target fat cells in the following areas of the body:

  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Breasts
  • Double chin
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks

Cryolipolysis takes around 30 to 60 minutes. There is generally little to no downtime.

Results can be seen in one session, but most typically require 2-4 sessions.

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is also known as SculpSure, and is another noninvasive option that uses laser energy to kill fat cells through heat.

Like cryolipolysis, extreme temperatures—hot, in this case—target and kill fat cells, which are permanently eliminated within 12 weeks through the lymphatic system.

Laser lipolysis is typically performed on the abdomen and flanks. Treatments take around 25 minutes and result in little to no downtime. However, you generally need multiple treatments to see results.

UltraShape Power

UltraShape Power is a non-invasive procedure that is approved by the FDA.

This devices uses ultrasound technology to eliminate fat cells. Ultrashape has no downtime or pain.

The procedure is generally takes 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the area to be treated.

Ultrasound energy causes apoptosis of the cell – this means cell death. The released fat is naturally passed through your lymphatic system over 90 days.

The abdomen and flanks are common target areas for nonsurgical ultrasound fat reduction .

Multiple sessions spaced 2 weeks apart are ideal.

You can resume your regular activities after each procedure.

Injection Lipolysis – Kybella, Celluform,

Injection lipolysis, also known as Kybella or Celluform, targets the double chin and other common body fat areas.

The injectable formula uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is found naturally in the body to absorb fat.

This substance can kill fat cells that are naturally absorbed by the body within a few weeks after treatment.

There is mild discomfort and possible bruising post treatment. You can resume your regular activities right after your procedure.

An injection lipolysis utilizing Kybella is FDA approved and specifically targets the area under the chin.

Other areas such as back bra bulge, under chin and abdomen are commonly treated.

Treatments last around 30 minutes.

Non-Invasive Body Contouring Near Me

If you are near the Boston, Massachusetts area, and are interested in body contouring that is effective and convenient, contact Cosmetic Laser Solutions at your earliest convenience.

Visit our main office in Stoneham, we’re here to help you achieve a naturally beautiful body to help you feel confident no matter what you’re wearing.

Face Injectables

What is a Liquid Facelift?

The liquid facelift involves injecting Botox and/or various dermal fillers into the skin to restore lost volume and soften wrinkles.

Unlike laser treatments that require time to build collagen and elastin, the liquid facelift provide almost instantaneous results for a more youthful appearance.

With the right approach, it can leave you with radiant, smooth skin and reduce wrinkles without resorting to surgery.

The objective of a liquid facelift is to minimize wrinkles and sagging.

It can also:
• Improve skin texture appearance
• Tighten skin
• Minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Diminish the physical signs of aging

The best candidates for a liquid facelift are patients who want to improve the appearance of their skin but aren’t ready for surgery.

How much does a liquid facelift cost?

Liquid facelifts are less expensive than surgical facelifts. However, liquid facelifts depend on a number of factors such as:

• Amount of Botox units needed
• Multiple vials of fillers may be needed to achieve desired results

During your consultation, you’ll receive a full estimate of your liquid facelift costs.

Generally 30+ units of Botox are needed. For fillers, most often 2-6 vials of filler may be needed to achieve desired face rejuvenation.

How does a liquid facelift work?

A liquid facelift works by using a package of anti-aging fillers to restore volume in your face or lips.

Commonly used fillers that add volume are Sculptra and Juvederm products. These products and treatments work to improve the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Your individual liquid facelift will be created based on your cosmetic needs and goals. A liquid facelift may require multiple treatments to achieve the desired results.

Preparing for an injectable treatment

Before you start your liquid facelift process, it’s important to ensure you’re in good health. If you have any underlying medical conditions, talk with your skincare specialist before beginning treatment.

If possible, avoid taking blood-thinning medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin because these can increase the risk of bruising after each procedure. In addition, stop smoking at least two weeks before your treatment, as smoking can delay healing.

What to expect after a Botox & Filler treatment

After a liquid facelift, you may experience some redness and irritation. However, this subsides within a day or two, depending on your unique procedure.

You’ll be given a detailed list of instructions to follow in order to maintain your results. Generally, you should plan to wear SPF 30+ after each session and avoid harsh products. Your skincare specialist will make sure you understand when to return for your next treatment.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to learn more about a liquid facelift or other facelift alternatives is by meeting with our experienced team.

Learn more about other face rejuvenation procedures visit our website at

Contact Cosmetic Laser Solutions today by calling857-288-8257 or book a consultation online: scheduling an appointment.


Best Treatments for Acne & Acne Scarring

Treatments for Active Acne and Acne Scarring

Acne leaves behind scars that can become an aesthetic problem. Adolescent acne can have effects that linger on long after the teenage phase is over. However, it is possible to treat acne scars through medical professionals specializing in reducing acne and/or acne scars.

If you have both active acne and acne scars, it is vital to permanently eliminate any acne before starting acne scar treatments because new breakouts produce fresh scars.

Acne scars are swollen blemishes caused by acne breakouts. Superficial blemishes often heal quickly. Infested material spreads to nearby tissue when deep breaks develop in the lining of a pore. The body’s natural attempts to deal with such damage leads to a raised scar and an unpleasant blemish.

Best Treatments for Acne & Acne Scarring acne-623x258-1-300x124

Acne & Acne Scarring Treatments

It is important to be familiar with the types of scars before beginning treatment. Different scars respond differently to treatment. For instance, depressed or atrophic scars occur on the face and come from insufficient collagen production as the wound heals.

There are three forms of depressed scars: ice pick scars, boxcar scars, and rolling scars. In addition, raised or hypertrophic scars are as a result of back and chest acne. The over-production of collagen during the healing process leads to such spots.

Other factors that determine treatment are the severity of the condition and the type of skin. Professional aestheticians such as Doctor Paul Kim are experts in devising individualized treatment plans for each client, as discussed below.

1. AgnesRF –  Active Acne Permanent Sebaceous Gland Destruction

AgnesRF was designed for oil production reduction. Agnes RF selectively destroys the sebaceous glands where acne germs reside. Once the sebaceous gland has been destroyed no acne can reoccur in that area. AgnesRF is a radiofrequency microneedling device that is safe for any type of skin color.

AgnesRF is the ultimate solution for acne. If you do not want to take medication, AgnesRF treatments provide an alternate solution. Additionally, there is minimal downtime and side effects.

2. Chemical Peel- TCA but with No Downtime Peel

A chemical peel uses chemical solutions to shed skin layers. The process reveals the youthful skin that lies underneath by reducing scars, acne, wrinkles, and uneven skin coloring. The new youthful skin is often smoother, more evenly colored, and brighter in complexion.

  • When damages skin remains on the dermis, bacteria accumulate and develop clogged pores that ultimately become infectious. With the removal of the dead skin, bacterial infection is prevented.
  • Damaged skin peeling leads to better blood circulation to the skin tissues

The benefit of the our peel is that this is a medium-aggressive TCA peel, but with no downtime and minimal to no pain.

3. Microneedling Or RF Microneedling for Acne Scars

Microneedling creates invisible pinpoint wounds on the skin surface to trigger the skin’s natural healing ability by encouraging elastin and collagen production. The procedure leads to better-quality skin texture and also reduces acne scars.

RF Microneedling adds a radiofrequency to the treatment.  Deeper penetration and radiofrequency energy improves collagen product so results smoother skin from acne scars is more intense with faster improvement.

Our favorite RF Microneedling device is ScarletRF or Morpheus8. Additionally, we can incorporate the infusion peptide to maximize results even more!

4. Exosome Skin Peptide Infusion

By increasing the production of the natural compounds that make up skin, the Exosome Infusion helps reduce acne breakouts.

The Exosome enhanced results by sending signals to various cells giving direction. This focused directions improves cell results.

Additionally, healing agents in the Exosome speeds recovery from the Ratiofrequency Microneedling treatments.

At Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medspa, Norma Cataldo and the team provides innovative solutions for rejuvenation and glowing skin.

Please schedule a consultation with us for faster results.

Have questions?  Call us: 857-288-8257

Face Skincare

Find out: What is an Exosome Facial?

An exosome facial is a potent, powerful serum applied to your skin that sends instructions to your cells to regenerate and repair themselves.

Much like collagen and elastin, the body will also produce fewer exosomes as it ages. Additionally, the remaining cells do not perform at full capacity.

This leads to issues such as skin laxity, muscle atrophy, wrinkles, and more.

With an Exosome Facial, these exosomes are rejuvenated.

Exosomes harnesses the power of over 2 billion stem cellderived lyophilized exosomes, potent growth factors, peptides, coenzymes, minerals, amino acids and vitamins.

The Exosome Facial is part of the newest term in modern aesthetics known as regenerative medicine.

Rather than simply managing conditions, regenerative medicine seeks to treat the root causes of many issues, including skin aging.

Exosomes vs PRP and Stem Cells

Unlike stem cell therapy, exosome therapy doesn’t involve using donor cells in your body. Instead, exosomes are extracted from donated human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and sterilized.

Exosomes are derived from stem cells and have been found to contain various growth factors which are integral to the body’s healing processes.

Stem Cells, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and now Exosomes are part of the regenerative skin cell process.

Many people have heard of the Vampire PRP facial made popular by Kim Kardashian. This PRP Facial procedure requires a blood draw from you.

Now that exosomes are available, most patients do not have to undergo a blood draw. Exosomes are the upgraded version of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

How is the Exosome Facial applied?

The Exosome Facial is applied to your skin with either microchanneling or microneedling.

The Exosome serum can also be applied post an advanced laser treatment like RF Microneedling with Morpheus8 or ScarletRF.

It is especially effective when the serum is added post an advanced laser treatment like microneedling with RF Morpheus8, as your healing time will be reduced.

Additionally, with the openings created by RF Microneedling, the deep channels allow better penetration of the exosome product into lower skin layers.

Your skin cells will send better cell signaling which ultimately leads to better skin quality and a more youthful appearance.

The Exosome Regenerative Complex is the most cutting edge breakthrough for clinically proven skin rejuvenation and regeneration.

For people who want to increase their skin’s health from the inside out, an exosome facial treatment is a prudent choice.

Before and After Photos for Exosomes Facials.

Why are Exosomes so effective?

They give the skin the ability to rebuild itself and stay supple and strong as you continue to age.

Exosomes are extremely effective in battling outward signs of aging and helping the body heal itself naturally.

Studies have recently shown that exosomes can:

  • Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce the appearance of acne scarring
  • Aid in tissue repair
  • Reinvigorate damaged hair follicles
  • Increase production of collagen
  • Aid in healing of damaged skin cells

The results of exosome treatment really speak for themselves.

Can I combine an Exosome Facial with other treatments?

If your having other radiofrequency or laser treatments adding an exosome post treatment is fabulous.

Your treatment results will be enhanced and your healing process will be sooner than expected.

Here are a few treatments that an exosome facial can be combined with:

Combining exosome facials with microneedling has been shown to be especially effective. The micro-wounds caused by the needles stimulate the body to produce more growth factors for healing as well as increase collagen and elastin production.

These controlled wounds allow exosomes and serums to penetrate to the deeper skin layers which ultimately makes the treatment become more effective.

Exosomes can boost the body’s natural healing, especially when delivered deeply into the skin. The skin will be able to rebuild itself in a natural, healthy way from the inside out. 

We love adding an exosome to our favorite RF Microneedling devices – Scarlet RF and Morpheus8.

What skin conditions can Exosome Facials Treat?

While an exosome treatment is still relatively new, it has been used to successfully treat numerous issues and conditions for patients.

Some of the things this treatment has been used for include:

  • Sun damage, Pigmentation Issues: Noticeably reduces the appearance of age related pigment
  • Visibly makes skin appear firmer and more youthful
  • Wrinkles: Visibly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dehydrated skin: Hydrates and nourishes skin
  • Uneven Skin tone: Promotes a more radiant and even toned complexion
  • Acne scarring
  • Rosacea
  • Other: Alopecia – Hair Loss

For those suffering from these issues, having exosome treatments could be helpful.

How long does exosome therapy last?

Results typically last 6-8 months.

Schedule a Consultation or Treatment

If you are interested in an exosome facial or other face skin rejuvenation treatments, contact the staff at Cosmetic Solutions Laser MedSpa today to schedule your consultation.

Request a call for more information: Click here

Schedule a Consultation via our online system. Click here.

Schedule a treatment via our online system: Click here.

Exosome Facials available in Stoneham, Wilmington and Attleboro, MA

Face Injectables

What to Know About the Juvéderm® Family

What is the Juvéderm® Family of Fillers?

The Juvéderm® family of dermal fillers are injectable hyaluronic acid dermal fillers that can be used around the face and jawline to reduce or remove the appearance of wrinkles or volume loss. Each filler has a specific formula for a distinct purpose. At Cosmetic Laser Solutions, we offer Juvéderm® Ultra XC, Juvéderm® Volbella, Juvéderm® Vollure, and Juvéderm® Voluma.

What Are the Differences Between Fillers?

Juvéderm® fillers are formulated slightly differently for a few reasons. First, the thickness and viscosity varies to produce different results, such as thicker gels for filling volume loss, and thinner gels for a soft, even appearance. Second, different formulas produce different results. If two formulas can be used for similar enhancement goals, one may be longer lasting and therefore be the preferred option.

Juvéderm® Ultra XC is for filling in the lips for lip augmentation. This can help correct wrinkles in and around the lips caused by the aging process, as well as to create a symmetrical, pouty appearance. Juvéderm® Ultra can also be used throughout the face depending on the type and severity of wrinkle correction needed. This formula can last 3 to 4 months before needing a touchup appointment.

Juvéderm® Voluma can last up to two years. It increases the volume of the cheek skin thanks to its thick gel formula. This helps reduce the appearance of hollowness or thinness in the cheek that comes with age.

Juvéderm® Vollure can be used to correct the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles and folds throughout the face, such as nasolabial lines. This formula gives our certified injectors another option for facial wrinkles to customize treatment for each person’s desired results.

Juvéderm® Volbella is specifically designed for lip augmentation to produce ideal lip shape and appearance, helping smooth out lines in the lips like so-called “smoker’s lips.” Volbella lasts up to twelve months in most patients.

Getting a Juvéderm® Filler

The experts will enquire about your cosmetic end goal expectations before they start the treatment. It is a minimally invasive surgery that lasts between 15 minutes and an hour. For effective results, the doctor may tell you to avoid drinking alcohol or smoking before the treatment. Also, avoid medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and St. John’s wort before the treatment.

Tips For Recovery After Injections

Juvéderm® works by adding mass into facial tissues, so expect the treated area to become swollen. Depending on which type of Juvéderm® injection you took, the swelling can take 2 weeks to subside. Once it does, you get to see the expected results. Some common tips to ensure the best results include:

  • Avoid massaging the treated area for about two weeks.
  • Avoid make-up for the 24 hours after the procedure.
  • If you notice unfavorable swelling on the treated area, apply a cold compress to it.
  • For lips treatment, avoid drinking from a straw immediately after the treatment.
  • Try to keep away from excessive heat such as hot showers and the sauna.

What Does It Not Treat?

A Juvéderm® filler will not work on a dynamic wrinkle. Dynamic wrinkles are those that only appear when making certain facial expressions, such as smiling. Juvéderm® will only help with static wrinkles that occur due to age or loss of facial volume. Hyaluronic acid fillers work by attracting and trapping water molecules in the treated location, which is why they should not be used in the thin skin around the eyes. 

Schedule an Appointment With Cosmetic Laser Solutions in Boston

Juvéderm® requires regular touch-up appointments for outstanding results. Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medspa has experts such as Dr. Patrick Marasco, who provides excellent results with no downtime in a quick, 30-minute procedure with a personalized Juvéderm® filler.

For more information, get in touch with us today by calling, texting, or contacting us online.

Women's Health

Have you heard about the O- Shot?

For women that area experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, there’s a medical treatment you can try that’s gained popularity over the past several years called the O-Shot.

This procedure improves your ability to achieve quality orgasms.

What is the O-Shot?

The O-Shot is a vaginal platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment. The O-Shot involves injecting platelets into your clitoris, G spot, and/or labia. Platelet-rich plasma is a component of your blood. It contains growth factors and proteins that stimulate cell growth, healing, and rejuvenation, and has been used for years to speed the healing of wounds and injuries.

PRP helps create new nerves and blood vessels in virtually anywhere it’s injected, including the vagina. This helps encourage healthy tissue growth, tightening, and increased sensation due to the gradual development of new nerve endings.

The platelets have restorative qualities to them and release up to 35 various healing substances when injected into an area of the body.

Who Created the O-Shot?

Dr. Charles Runels created the O Shot. He conducted various studies showing female sexual function improvement from the shot. One study involving 11 women participants showed that seven of the women experienced improvement in their sex lives following this treatment.

Benefits of the O-Shot

Some benefits of the O-Shot might include:

  • Increased arousal
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Heightened orgasm
  • Increased lubrication
  • Ease ofd certain conditions (i.e. urinary incontinence, lichen planus)

How does the O-Shot Process Works

A numbing cream is applied to your clitoris, G-spot and labia. Then your blood is drawn and placed in a device that separates the plasma from your platelets called a centrifuge.

Once that’s complete, you’ll receive painless injections of a local anesthetic and the platelet-rich plasma.

You should experience the results in three different phases.

  • You’ll experience heightened sensation within your first three to seven days in the treated area.
  • You’ll have new tissue developing within around three weeks of the injection which will continue for another nine weeks.
  • This tissue will reach peak development in approximately three months.

Typically, results last for a minimum of one year.

You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Cela Doppelt to learn more about the benefits and side effects of the O-Shot. A consultation will be provided in order to assure this is the best treatment plan for you.

There’s generally a quick recovery from the O Shot. You might experience a little local sensitivity for a couple of days, but that should be it.

If you decide you would like to try the O-Shot, be sure to follow all aftercare instructions provided to you by Cosmetic Laser Solutions MedSpa and  Dr. Doppelt.

You’ll also want to contact us right away if you start experiencing negative effects like severe swelling and/or redness, fever, bleeding, or pus, as these indicate adverse reaction or infection.

You might even be able to have intercourse the same day you receive the treatment. Dr. Doppelt will provide you with specific recovery expectations before and after the treatment.

O-Shot in Massachusetts

For those looking for feminine rejuvenation, Cosmetic Laser Solutions has both vaginal rejuvenation treatment options you should consider.

With non-invasive strategies like the O-Shot and radiofrequency like the Viveve vaginal rejuvenation treatment, our skilled doctors are here to help you regain your sexual wellness in order to regain an enhanced experience.

Call or text us at 857-288-8257 or submit a contact me form to get started today.

Body Contouring Face Skincare Injectables

2021 Top 5 Nonsurgical Treatments for Men

Many people automatically think of cosmetic procedures as being strictly for women. However, that’s not the case at all.

Many men seek cosmetic treatments as a way to improve on areas of their body they believe need improvement. Also, just like women, men may want to opt for a non-surgical cosmetic procedure instead of one that’s invasive and requires surgery.

Certain nonsurgical cosmetic procedures are extremely popular for men. You might want to learn about those that are ranked as the top five.

Chemical Peels

Men can have issues with their skin just like women and opt to have those concerns addressed. Chemical peels can treat an array of skin problems such as wrinkles, sun-damage and scarring.

The procedure is often sought by men in their 40s and 50s, in particular, and is considered a very popular non-invasive procedure to improve the skin.

A newer no downtime peel has become a favorite for both men and women alike.  Fast results and no downtime or burning sensation.

This is a fabulous treatment to get tighter skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles so they can have younger, fresher-looking skin! Chemical peels can even help with getting a closer shave.

BOTOX® Injections & Dermal Fillers

Men have wrinkles too.  Botox can reduce wrinkles in the forehead, crows feet area and in-between your eyebrows (the infamous “11’s).

By freezing the muscle in those areas, your wrinkles will not be as pronounced when smiling and making facial expressions. It’s a non-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure that is quick and easy. Results are seen in 4-7 days.

Restore your confidence and look younger in just a week!   Over 3 million BOTOX® injections are done throughout the country each year. It’s safe and effective for improving the appearance of the facial skin by smoothing eliminating wrinkles and fine lines.

Dermal fillers work to address focused area of the skin that as lost volume or has a deeper crease. For men, the nasal fold area is a favorite for filling in those deep crevices. However, fillers can address more intense issues such as drooping, jowls, and weak jawlines. If a man has an issue with his jawline appearing too weak and un-masculine, dermal fillers can correct the problem.

There are a variety of dermal fillers available to address the specific needs of the patient. Those made up of hyaluronic acids like Juvéderm® and Restylane® can improve the face by smoothing out deep lines, wrinkles, and scars. Others are better at addressing the problem of smaller, finer facial lines.

Overall, dermal fillers can provide results that last approximately 9 to 12 months depending on the areas treated.

Laser Hair Removal

Why shave when you can laser it off? Men often seek laser hair removal as a way to eliminate excess body hair in areas such as face, neck, chest or back. Best of all, laser hair removal eliminates razor burn and that 5 o’clock shadow. No matter what hair you want removed, you can discuss your options with the doctor to determine what’s best for you based on your skin type.

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Men are often plagued by excess fat that they’re unable to eliminate through dieting and exercise. In most cases, men’s problem areas are in the abdomen and flanks. While liposuction and tummy tucks are good at reducing those areas it does come with some down time.

Now it’s possible to eliminate excess fat through nonsurgical methods. UltraShape is one of those options and uses ultrasound energy waves to kill fat cells under the skin’s surface.  There is no downtime or pain. Simply less fat!

Individuals who aren’t prime candidates for invasive surgical procedures like liposuction or tummy tucks can get this nonsurgical fat reduction treatment.

Hair Loss Rejuvenation

According to, by the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of hair loss, and by the age of fifty approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair.

A new method of  hair stimulation is microneedling with a prp or a potent topical serum.

This treatment creates channels in the scalp. Then a topical serum solution created by doctors and scientists is applied to the area.

A series of 4-6 sessions is recommend.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re in the Boston Massachusetts area and are interested in a non-surgical cosmetic procedures, contact Cosmetic Laser Solutions MedSpa to schedule a consultation today.

Call our office at 857.288.8257 or book an appointment online.

Body Contouring

Top 6 Reasons for Body Contouring with UltraShape Power

Body contouring with UltraShape Power is one of the best options for a non surgical solution to reduce or get rid of stubborn fat. Best of all, it comes with no downtime or incisions. If you’re looking ahead to your options for your best summer body yet, then now is the best time to consider your non-surgical body contouring options.

Here’s what to know about UltraShape and how it can help you achieve your most confident self yet.

What are the Benefits of UltraShape?

Diet and exercise is great for overall body fat reduction. But, what if you need just a specific area reduced? Or you just need some help in getting rid of the last few inches of fat?  The Ultrashape Power Laser body contouring device can put the finishing touches on those hard to get to specific body areas.  For many people, it’s a great way to improve and contour their shape in areas that bother them. 

Here are some of the biggest benefits of non-surgical body contouring with the UltraShape Power device at Cosmetic Laser Solutions.

1. No Pain

Unlike liposuction and other surgical body procedures, UltraShape Power does not require any anesthetic during treatment. In fact, you can relax and enjoy your treatment session by catching up on your show or book. Ultrashape Power uses pain-free ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells. Afterward, you can return to your normal schedule without having to worry about discomfort or swelling.

2. No Incisions

UltraShape is performed completely outside the body, meaning there’s no need for incisions or injections. This means there’s no scarring or telltale signs that you’ve had a procedure. You can enjoy complete discretion and enjoy your natural-looking results.

3. Noticeable Results

Although UltraShape takes time to produce results, you’ll notice a more defined and contoured look to your treatment areas. It’s important to note that UltraShape is not a weight loss procedure, but can rather help cut fat from certain areas and help you lose visible inches.

4. No Downtime

Surgical procedures can come with extensive downtime and weeks away from your regular activity level. UltraShape requires no downtime, meaning you can return to your exercise regimen right away. For a busy schedule, UltraShape can you achieve your ideal body without the hassle of waiting to recover.  A simple 1 hour session is all you need.

5. FDA Approval

UltraShape is FDA-Approved and comes with a history of safety and effectiveness. It’s important to always receive UltraShape treatments from a reputable and trained provider so you can be sure you’ll get the results you’re hoping for with the expertise on how to get them.

6. No clamps or size limitations

Ultrashape Power can customize the size of the area to be treated. (2×2 area up to 12 x 12 area). It is unlike Coolscupting which is limited by the clamp size to suction in, squeeze and freeze the skin area to be treated.  Alternatively, Ultrashape uses ultrasound technology to rupture the fat cell in a free-form pattern that is customized for each persons needs.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

For best results, it’s recommended to undergo about three treatments spaced two weeks apart. This ensures that your areas are fully treated. After your third treatment, you’ll see a noticeable reduction in fat. This means the best time to get started on your summer body is now!

Schedule An Appointment

Our team can help create the right non-surgical body contouring package for you and your goals. To get started, we invite you to contact our Stoneham office by calling  or booking online.

Click here to learn more about UltraShape.

Injectables Hair Loss

PRP For Hair Loss

Benefits of Exosomes and PRP for Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair therapy involves a three-step treatment in which a patient’s blood is extracted and processed to isolate platelet-rich plasma before being injected into their scalp. PRP injection helps in natural hair growth and increasing hair thickness by increasing hair follicles’ blood supply. This therapy, at times, is administered with other hair loss medications and procedures.

PRP therapy has been used since the 1980s to boost healing for muscle and joint injuries, as well as many other applications that are continuously being discovered and studied.

The Process of PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is quickly and easily performed in any of our Massachusetts office locations and requires no downtime after a session. It typically requires about four sessions for optimal results, although more may be needed for advanced hair loss.

Step one is the first phase of PRP, where a specialist draws blood from your arm and puts it in a centrifuge, which is a machine that rotates very quickly to separate different fluid densities.

After about ten minutes, the blood in the centrifuge will be in three layers: red blood cells, platelet-poor plasma, and platelet-rich plasma. Next, a specialist uses a syringe to draw the platelet-rich plasma and injects it into the scalp areas that need hair growth.

Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss

Over-the-counter or non-medical solutions for hair loss like Rogaine are much less effective than this medical procedure, which uses your body’s natural growth factors to revitalize hair follicles for thicker, fuller hair.

This is a great alternative to more expensive, more painful procedures such as hair grafting, and many patients have great success in just a few months following their first treatment session.

PRP for Hair Loss Results

Immediately after each treatment with PRP, patients typically experience mild discomfort and inflammation around the injection sites, but can otherwise go about their day as normal. While you may begin to see results in as little as a few weeks, the final results will be most noticeable after about three months from the final treatment session.

PRP therapy can boost hair regrowth and put hair follicles back into their normal cycle of growth, with or without the use of other treatments or medications.

To find out how PRP can help with your specific hair loss concerns, contact the expert estheticians at Cosmetic Laser Solutions today.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re not satisfied with your thinning or receding hair and other options aren’t working, PRP for hair loss may be right for you. PRP therapy is safe and effective and can provide results in as little as three weeks.

To learn more about this treatment plan and to find out if you’re a good candidate for PRP therapy, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our highly-trained team or book your appointment directly through our scheduler!